Bloyburt's Realm


This section contains various works of fiction (mainly short stories) that I've written over the years.


Listed below are several poems that I have written within the last few years.

Title Synopsis Genre Published
Dream Girl A man describes his dream girl. Romance 2024-11-09
Forest A man finds himself lost wandering through a forest. Horror 2024-11-09
Hero A hero sets out on a journey to slay the demon king. Fantasy 2024-11-09
Knight A knight sets out on a quest to slay a demon. Fantasy 2024-11-09

Old Stories

Old Short Stories

Listed below are several of my older short stories that I wrote many years ago. Some were written as schoolwork or college essays, while others were simply written in my spare time for the fun of it.

Title Synopsis Genre Published
War Letter A soldier writes a letter to his wife from the battlefield. Historic
Floored An old man reflects on his life after being knocked down. Slice-of-Life 2008
Forever Is
Our Today
An elderly widower finds himself shackled to his past. Slice-of-Life 2010
The Good Tenant A well-mannered tenant keeps a secret from his landlord. Horror 2012
Knocks A student hears strange knocks on his door at night. Horror 2013

Illusion of Fate

This is an old fantasy novelette that I wrote many years ago. I originally wrote it for my English class back when I was in college in 2011. It involves a trio of adventurers on a quest to plunder riches from an abandoned ancient temple, with a few twists and turns along the way.

(The image below is a Public Domain image created by Kai Stachowiak)

Fantasy Forest Image Chapter List
Chapter 1: Riverside
Chapter 2: Separation
Chapter 3: Nightfall
Chapter 4: Deepmoor
Chapter 5: Skirmish
Chapter 6: Awakening